Fund managers

Selective long-term relationships

Westhall strives to identify investment managers who are leading experts in their investment strategy. We consider the investment managers our partners with whom we work alongside to grow over the long term, issue new products and ultimately close funds.  We have been fortunate to be part of this cycle many times.

We wish to understand fully the fund manager’s investment strategy, history, infrastructure and risks.  Our broader knowledge of the Asia Pacific funds market is value added insight to help investors who are looking at the region.

Selected managers typically originate from either trusted referrals from our Asian network or dedicated research trips to meet managers in their local markets.

Irrespective of the source, the process of selecting a manager is unhurried and requires meeting/s with the manager on-the-ground as part of our due diligence process. As we begin to work with a manager, our interactions with their team increases culminating in prolonged periods with the portfolio managers on dedicated marketing trips.  This ‘back of the cab’ time provides us insight into managers’ personality and work ethic which is quite unique and helpful for our conviction.

Selected fund managers typically include the following characteristics:

  • Investment teams who focus on performance – not asset gatherers.
  • Investment teams in the geography of their focus.
  • Personal investment alongside investors.

A thorough understanding is necessary for us to communicate strategy, risks and the manager’s business in a perspicuous manner to investors.

To help convey a manager and their strategy, we write research reports on fund managers where we feel it adds value, particularly in the lead up to roadshows.

We seek long term relationships with a select number of fund managers.

Investment strategies

We have experience working with a wide range of absolute return investment strategies including capital raisings for Asian long only equity managers (including single country managers such as Japan, India and China), Asian hedge fund strategies (including long/short equity, credit and arbitrage), Asian direct lending, trade finance and life insurance.

We represent highly differentiated investment strategies in a range of fund structures including offshore, UCITS and GP/LPs. We respect all fund managers information as proprietary which is not provided to any parties without prior approval.

Manager travels

Fund manager names omitted as some investment manager’s prefer discretion. Please ask for more details.

Date Location Fund Manager Strategy
23 - 24 July, 2024 North America

Asia value long only equity

15 - 19 July, 2024 North America

India long-only equity

17,18, 25, 26 June, 2024 North America

India private equity

24 June, 2024 United Kingdom

India long-only equity

17 - 21 June, 2024 United Kingdom / Switzerland

Asia value long only equity

17 - 18 June, 2024 United Kingdom

Asia Private Credit

17 June, 2024 North America

India long-only equity

27 May, 2024 Singapore

India long-only equity